ROCK HALL — Awards season is in full swing, including here at Kent County Public Schools.
Colleagues, students, parents, administrators, community leaders and others are encouraged to submit the names of quality educators for Kent County Public Schools' annual awards.
We annually honor a Teacher of the Year, Support Employee of the Year and a Promising Educator.
Nominees are chosen from each of our buildings and interviewed by our awards committee.
The winners will be announced at the Kent County Public Schools Awards Celebration this spring.
So download and fill out a nomination form today!
They can be printed out or filled in on your computer by clicking in each text box.
Forms must be returned by Feb. 3 to the Human Resources Office of Kent County Public Schools, 5608 Boundary Ave., Rock Hall, MD 21661.
Questions? Call Dan Hushion, supervisor of human resources, at 410-778-7135 or Mirelle Kraus, human resources secretary, at 410-778-7140.